Creating things to do gets difficult after a little while, but here are some of the things I've been doing.
Reading The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen. His ideas are very insightful, and I am happy to know more about the true history of our Country.
Cleaning. I am already kind of a clean freak, so I like to do it, and I think the house stays pretty nice while I am here with nothing else to do:)
Practicing, because I am giving a concert in July. It will be fun, but I have to have a full program ready, which makes me a little nervous.
Crocheting. I recently acquired a new phone, so I crocheted a case for it so it doesn't get scratched when it is my purse. Also, I started crocheting a purse.
Playing on the computer, reading article after article, face-booking, e-mailing that sort of thing.
Running, because my fat dog needs to get in shape and lose a few pounds.
Tagging along with my mom while she does errands.
AND, last but not at all least, skate-boarding!!
I haven't done it very much this past week because it has been cold, also I don't like to do it alone, but my little sis has been practicing on Dwight's old board, and she is pretty good! So we have been practicing together and it is quite fun. Here are some pics!!
Look At her gooo! |