Friday, September 26, 2014

Guess We Fell In Love!

I am living, walking, breathing proof that A. LOT. can happen in just a few short months. If you're Mormon, you tend to measure life occurrences, time, those sorts of things by General Conference. A common phrase might be, "By the next General Conference, I will be..." fill in the blank. Or "So and so will be back from their mission in just two more Conferences!"

Well if I do that, measure time by General Conference, then between the last General Conference and the one that's coming in less than two weeks, I got married.

Rewind!! Back in May of this year, I reconnected with someone I had met three years ago. His name is C.J. Riley. And now we are married. And have been for an entire month already!

I don't want to tell the whole story because I actually love telling it in person. Self-absorbed, but I do love to tell it!

All I want to say is we are best friends. He makes me so incredibly happy. Marriage is just having your best friend there always. We are so excited and happy about starting our family together, just typing this makes me all giddy inside! If I had to describe our relationship in three words, I would say "Happy, Safe, Warm."

And pictures are worth a thousand words, so without needing to get wordy, here are some pics that totally describe us...

He was totally, completely, DEFINITELY worth the wait :)