Saturday, December 29, 2012

Counting Sheep

It's almost 2 in the a.m. and as per usuallllll, my brain isn't shutting up. So writing this blog post is my round about way of counting sheep. Besides, if I was going to count any animal, it most definitely wouldn't be sheep because they are probably the most boring animal on the planet and counting them would put anyone right to slee......oh right.

I'm going to say a couple things I am glad about. Keep in mind this is pretty much my mind word vomiting right now.

I'm glad that The Hobbit is finally out. I remember hearing urban myths that Peta Jecksin (New Zealand spelling) was making it waaaaay back in the times the Trilogy was making waves. That was like, forEVS ago. I use forevs ironically only. I was about 15. Anywho, nothing brings my family closer together than a hardy discussion of why Tolkien and all things LOTR are the greatest. I'm pretty sure the thought "what would Gandalf do" guided many of my major life decisions.

I'm glad that I and 3 other members of my family have birthdays shortly after "the holidays". You know that sort of mild depression that hits when Christmas is over and New Year's is around the corner? Well I'm pretty sure God knew I would handle this worse than the average human being and so He had me be born in January so that I could ask my mom for presents Santa didn't bring and He had my mom, dad, and older brother be born around the same month so that I could focus on other people somewhat and not be overly absorbed in my post-holidays blues.

This last one is random. But I just realized today that I am glad I spent a year working as a custodian. I am glad about it because now every time someone complains about their crappy job around me, I can be that annoying guy who is like, "you think YOUR job is crappy? I cleaned toilets for a year, talk about CRAPPY."

Uuuuummmmm, I think that concludes my session of counting sheep for the evening. Poor sheep. They are so darn boring. *yawn* Night, All!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hey, y'all

I haven't written in a while. Because I supposedly ran out of memory to upload pics and haven't decided what to do there quite yet.

But I do have some stories for you that have no pics.

They both involve my personal shame, so that should pique your interest.

I have locked my keys in my car 4 times in the last 5 months. It has never happened to me until this year. I am convinced that my dating life is to blame.

The most recent "episode" happened a few days ago. I was at the gym. I stuck my keys in my pocket as I was getting out of the car. In one swift, fluent, uncontrollable motion, I step out of my car, check my pocket for my keys, realize that they fell back onto the seat while at the same time slightly bumping the door just so it clicks but doesn't close all the way and I desperately shout "Nooooooo!" as I throw myself onto the door, desperately begging it to magically open up for me so I don't have to call my mom again and try to explain that it's not my fault through her ginormous sigh followed by an annoyed "Savannah!"

This all happened exactly one week after the last time I locked my keys in my car. (in the parking lot of Gabe's school, we had to wait there an hour for the breaker-inner guy to show up, all the while, Gabe was cursing me for making him remain at his school much longer than he needed to. Also, his Taco Bell lunch that I kindly bought him was sitting in T-mu, emitting the most pleasant beef aroma.) That whole story didn't really need to be in parenthesis, but it sounded right in my head. Anywho, I vowed last week to never lock my keys in again. But this just goes to show you that we really aren't at all in control of our lives. Right down to the tiniest detail of locking keys in cars. I give up. Vow broken, I now have no pressure. I wanted to just buy my own break-in kit, but I'd probably lock that in the car too.

Story number 2.

Gabe needed me to give him a ride to someone's house last night who lives not too far from our house. I decided I would just drive there barefoot since it was such a short trip. So I'm yelling, "Gabe, let's go!" as I run out the door. I literally mean run right now. Little did I realize it had been snowing for about 30 minutes and not only was the ground freezing cold, but it was slippery too, and I slid halfway across our walkway before coming to a stop spider-woman style on our lawn.

Moral to this story is don't give your little brother rides. Just kidding. Moral is, you should wear shoes in winter time and it's safe to assume the ground could be covered in that winter-y substance known as snow.

Peace and blessings!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Wisecrack #11?

I haven't blogged in a while. Tried to last week, but stupid google said I ran out of gb spaceor whatnot. So I have to figure that out. But I haven't put a wisecrack up in a while either.

Yesterday, Gabe and Sidney and I were brainstorming to try to figure out what I should call a crochet site on Etsy if I start one. I had some cutesy ideas like StitchSavvy and others, but I want to share Gabe's ideas. He followed my criteria exactly. I said that we needed to include works such as yarn, hook, knot,...

Gabe: "Son of a stitch."
Me: "hahahaha (considering if I could get away with a name like that) I don't know if I can do that!"
Gabe: "Balls. As in balls of yarn, you know."
Me:"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, DEFinitely can't use that one."

And that is all :)