Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ahh, what the heck, Cell Phone Stories part 2

This game I do not like.

Pink section at Charming Charlie's. This is for Dani :)

That one time I ate sushi. Blech.

Reno temple at night.

Another beautiful Reno sunset.

She wrapped her leash around me, then looked up at me, all innocent like.

First attempt on a slouch beanie. Better ones have since been formed. 

Half Dome!!

My favorite Christmas Decor :)

So remember how I hate heights?? Yeah, I couldn't even put the lights on our 12 feet tall house. This is as far as I got before I was dizzy and shaking. My mom came out and made me get off the ladder.

So my big brother Dwighty finished them for me :)

Piano tree ornament, pretty sweet.

Super delish gluten free cupcake my friend Kristin Smith makes :)

Super delish gluten free pumpkin pie my Mommy made :)


Look at this dumb cart! No place for your feet!!

Super awesome dancing lights.

Jess and I by the Golden Gate.

This really gross concoction, I think it was lemonade, sprite, salt and pepper,  ketchup, possibly some kind of hot sauce, and Kevin Kerwin and I tasted it. That was dumb of us.
THE UGGLIEST SHOES I HAVE EVER SEEN. Snake skin wedges that were about 30" tall.

Bouquet of chocolate flowers Eric Soukup made me for my birthday :)

Finally finished the second part of Gabe's Christmas present. A month late, I know. 

Super fun concert Eric and I went to. The first band were some local guys, they were actually pretty good. Then the second band, Bobaflex, were pretty hard core, I was cracking up when they first came out because it surprised me so much. Then Royal Bliss, super rockers!! It was great :)

Cell Phone Stories

I could tell about 500 stories just by browsing my cell phone pics. I just recently loaded them onto this here laptop, and there were about 750. Also, It's been quite a while since I blogged, what have you guys done without me??? Joking :)

This is Petrie. He's cute, but he can also be a jerk sometimes.  Especially if I'm wearing nail polish. Yep, we have a love/hate relationship.

I love 7-11 cocoa. To death. I mean I think I may actually die from drinking it too much. This pumpkin spice creamer made me really excited one night.

Uh huh, eat your hearts out!! She was awesome in concert, and I had a great time with Jana and Jessica Stoneman <3

Now, these two pictures were taken last fall. Thor, Superman, and Josh Groban finally got to get pics with Kimmy and I.

I thought it was amazing how well Dallin Olgilvie's face fit this cut out. I MEAN, Look at  Obi Wan taking on Darth Maul!!

My fav tacos are totally Jim Boy's regular beef tacos. But look at this puddle of grease collected in the wrapper. Not disgusting at all.

Sweet-awesome bracelet Sean Saulnier made myself!!

Sweet-awesome bracelet little sis Sidney made myself. She designed it, super creative.

Steve Kreth took me to a TSO concert, these were the sweet laser lights!!

This very nice note I found on my bed one night when I came home.

Jolene's baby girl, Lilly likes to watch movies sitting in this bucket we have at our house :)

Floor ping pong

More floor ping pong. Nuff said.

These awesome owls that hang out in the Home Depot by my house.

Okay, so there is this really cool store in Reno called Junkees. It's basically that, junk. But you can find way awesome stuff in there! So they had these turquoise chairs in there, and I was like, "Man, if I had a house, I'd totally buy those." Like 2 weeks later, I see this mean ole lady driving off with two of them!! We weren't even in the Junkees neighborhood, but she took 'em, right out from under me. :'(

I got to see my teacher from school, Dr. Kirill Gliadkovsky, play a piano recital at Sacramento State. It was amazing and so great to see him again!!!

Sunset that Eric Soukup texted me. Nevada is full of these :)

Well, more to come soon, I promise!!!!
Peace and blessing, y'all!!