Saturday, October 22, 2011

Last night I watched The Green Lantern.

This isn't going to be a critique  of the movie or anything, just some of my own observations. Maybe you should be alert for spoilers? It's a comic book, the whole story and then some is out in the world anyway.

Okay, so Ryan Reynolds' character Hal Jordan finds an alien, gets this green lantern and ring, GOES TO A DIFFERENT PLANET BY FLYING TO IT IN A GREEN BUBBLE, and takes it all very well. I mean, he has no moment of, "What is going on?" He is just totally chill with the whole thing. "All right, sweet." is more his attitude.

I think I'd handle things a little differently.


 I'd be screaming that for at LEAST a week.

So, they couldn't make a movie about me, and I guess I'll never be a Lantern. Meh, that's okay. I don't have any "will" anyway.

(I recognize that it's a movie and all totally fiction, I just like to treat it like reality for more fun :)