Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tree hunting

K guys, my laptop has been out of commission since our router decided it no longer feels it's duty is to connect me to the internet. So I want to blog pics, but am too lazy to load on to my parents' desktop. But Thanksgiving sure was grand. LOVE all my family that came to dinner, LOVE LOVE my mom for making the most amazing gluten-free stuffing and punkin pie! (punkin, yeah, that's what I said) I am so grateful for so many things I can't possibly even think of all of them in one sitting.

Story time.

Dramatic change of subject as well. Almost every year, my family and I go tree hunting out in the woods the day after Thanksgiving. It is pretty much a tradition now. The thing is, it usually somehow magically turns into a less than positive experience. One year I gracefully sat down in mud. Okay, I slipped and splatted in mud. My mother repeated the incident the next year. Another year, we chopped down a tree and it crashed to the ground, causing the breaking off of some very key branches. And almost every year it takes us ALL DAY to find "the perfect tree" which never fully appears in real life.

The amazing thing is, every year we manage to forget that by the end of tree hunting day, we all want to strangle each other because no one can agree on a tree. We forget that one of us will end up accidentally becoming camouflage. We forget that Nevada, in all it's many glories, is the driest state in the nation, therefore, most trees in the woods will have approximately 3 branches.

Okay, enough of my negative schpeel. This year was unique. This year, angels actually did sing as a shower of light descended upon "the perfect tree". At about 11 a.m.. Now, yes this tree was miles from our truck, yes it was huge and weighed accordingly, yes Gabe slightly twisted his ankle helping pack it down, but we made it to the truck by about 12 in the afternoon. We realized that yes, this really is the best tree we had ever cut into with a saw. And we realized as we actually enjoyed our lunch in peace, knowing that the tree was resting serenely on the ground beside us, that this is a great tradition. We love getting our trees, despite the mishaps. We love, I mean my family loves teasing me about my muddy behind from that one year. We love joking about how grumpy we get when we can't find a tree. Hopefully I can get pics up soon so you all can enjoy too :)

Peace and Blessings, Y'all!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Really Big Rocks, Really Big Trees and Really Big Waterfalls Part 2

We spent half of the second day we were there at Vernal Falls. So that's what most of these pictures are. Except for the first couple pictures of Half Dome. I just couldn't get enough of that rock!

Diaper bum

Cute Mom

Studly Men

Such pretty fall colors :)

Vernal Falls

The Cute Couple

Peacin' out on some rocks

Closer to Vernal Falls

Super Strength

Okay, so the falls look really tiny behind us, but they are quite huge.

Look at the tiny little people

The edge

The never ending stairs

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Really big rocks, really big waterfalls, and really big trees Part 1

Mom and Dad excited to get there!!

Me excited!

Eating at a frosty in Bridgeport

First views driving through the valley

El Capitan

The one and only Half Dome

Quote of the trip- "Nobody stand on this rock and fall into this tree." -My  Mom. She said it totally serious :)

Gabe got the wrong fluid for his lighter, so it was basically a torch :)

Check out our digs :)

Little Speed Racer could hardly wait to get her bike out of the truck :)

The Ahwahnee Hotel. About $500 a night to stay there, but I want to someday :)

These two gangstas chillin'

Inside the Ahwahnee and feeling like a high roller!

Best bike ride EVER.

Yosemite Falls

This is just the lower falls, but look how tiny the boys are next to it!

I love her hat in her eyes, haha


This deer couldn't care less if she was there.

The kids super excited to get there :)
Last week I became acquainted with Yosemite National Park. Holy wow. What a place. There aren't even words to describe it. And pictures just don't do it justice. But I had an amazing time. I went there with Mom, Dad, Gabe, Sidney, and Cousin Conner. (Cousin is not his first name) We drove up Thursday and left Sunday. Usually on vacations, by the end I'm just ready to be home. But leaving Yosemite Valley was heart-breaking in a small way. Sort of like leaving a good friend and not knowing when you would see them again. But I will see it again, and I will take my future-kids there too. Because seeing nature, seeing God's beautiful creations, it's something that humbles a person. These beautiful things are gifts He gave us. Man can create marvels. Sky-scrapers. Breath-taking bridges. But to me, nothing compares to the majesty of Niagara Falls. The Grand Canyon. Half Dome at sunset. All things I've seen and am grateful for that fact. I want to continue visiting national parks and natural wonders.