Monday, April 15, 2013

Feelin' senti-mental

K so I've been going through some bins I have that are full of old school stuff. Like stuff from school that is old, not "old school". Anywho, it is giving me that sort of heart-achy feeling you get when you start remembering too many happy things that have gone by. I am happy that I went through those things and had those experiences, but I'm sad because I miss those people that I never get to see anymore. I have all these old notes from my friends. Notes of encouragement, get well notes, old pics, quirky gifts people have given me, etc. And I am really missing these people right now. Like a lot. Mary Swank, Dani Harris, Anastassia, it has been waaaaaaay too long since I have seen you and I'm not happy about it!! So I made a little resolution. Whenever I take trips, I mostly only want to go where I can see these people I care about. Sight-seeing and all that can wait, I want to see my people!!

K, that was the sentimental part. Now for the funny part.

My little sister wrote me this little letter while I was away for my first semester of school. This is what it said and her exact spelling and punctuation. She was 8.

Oct, 23, 2008

Dear Savannah,
The best sister in the world!

A few days ago we'll as you know.
I got on the trampoline like I always do,
and the first jump I we'll I got a head ake,
and every single time I went up and down it got worse.
But I didn't want to get off.
Because every single time I get on the trampoline,
I haf to have a good reson to get off.
And that is what I call not a good reson.
So I stayed on with my stuipid friend named head ake.
Once I got on the trampoline and we'll I had to get off
because of stuipid homework.
But, I didn't want to get off so, I stayed on.
The next time I had to get off was worse because
that had a reson that was very bad.
But, now and then I am getting head akes.

Your sister,

p.s. I think we are growing alike, don't you?
write back

Bahahaha, love my lil sis :) The "reson" she included that little postscript is because I get "head akes" when I jump on the tramp, so she and Gabe were always upset at me for not jumping with them.

Yep, Sidney, you and I ARE growing more alike :)

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