Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I Quit Sugar

 Day 3. I have successfully avoided all sugar and carbs on my sugar detox. Today I had definite withdrawal symptoms. I woke up shaking, and quickly ate a smoothie with JUST fruit in it. No extra yogurt, no sugary fruit juice, JUST fruit. It was actually delicious, like almost dessert-y. Then I got around to boiling eggs and shoving some nuts and veggies in my mouth. I have to eat fast, like no more than 10 min can be dedicated to food. But eating raw fruits, nuts, and veggies is easy and takes no time at all!! 

Let me back up. 

I love sugar. I mean LOVE. I usually eat a dessert of some sort once a day, and usually have a few pieces of candy, and or drink juice and eat ice cream, lots of times just straight out of the container. 

I gave up chocolate after Rocky was born because it seemed to upset his tummy and I didn't want the little guy to be miserable. But I thought about it all. The. Time. And figured out other foods that were equally as sugary that I could enjoy almost as much. Then it kind of started to occur to me that I may have a little bit of an addiction to the sweet stuff. That I may actually be a bit out of control . I started to think about my family's health history, and it's not awesome. I thought a lot about Rocky and how I want him to be healthy and to think that eating healthy is the norm, not the exception. And I want to be healthy for him and C.J. so I can live a full life with them and any other little ones that come to us. I realized I needed to make a permanent change, not just a week-long one. 

I started reading about detoxes. There are all kinds out there, 10-day plans, three-week plans, 8-week plans....I didn't actually pick a particular plan. I just looked at what you are supposed to eat when you detox. Pretty much meat, fruits, veggies, eggs, and nuts. A lot of veggies, a good amount of protein, and fruit when you really need sugar. I'm not telling anyone out there to do what I did because everyone is different, I don't want to advise anyone health-wise because frankly, I barely know what I'm doing. 

That pretty much brings us to where I'm at today. Day three and no sugar or carbs. Carbs metabolize into sugar, so if you're going to kick the addiction in the rear, you have to eliminate them almost completely. Some other symptoms I've had today are muscle soreness and I've felt pretty low energy, everything I've read says that is totally normal and can last a couple days to a couple weeks, so we shall see. I'll give you the good news if all goes well and I come out of this feeling better than ever. A lot of people that have quit sugar say that their mind is clearer, they don't have the afternoon slump every day, they have more energy,... I'm really looking forward to that, especially having my baby boy. I thought about trying really expensive supplements, but really, I just needed a life-style change. I'll keep you posted on how I feel . Peace out for now. 

Day 4. I am writing already because I feel much better today than I did yesterday. I did yoga this morning and went for a run and I have much less muscle soreness. I also was not shaky at all today. I did feel pretty exhausted a couple times, but that's probably because I didn't fall asleep until 12:30 and Rocky woke up two more times after that. I also didn't even "crave" sugar. I thought about it a couple times, but not in the "I NEED SOME RIGHT NOW" way. I've actually craved potato chips more than anything, another addiction I want to kick in the bee-hind. Anywho, I feel like this is going to be a good change in my life. I also feel that I am being given help as I try this. Heavenly Father wants us to have good lives. The more self control we can practice, the happier we are, and the healthier we are. I'm slowly going to incorporate healthy carbs back into my diet in a couple weeks, but for now, I'm playing it safe without most of them.

Day 5. I'm thinking I'll actually put some carbs into my diet next week. Probably some quinoa and maybe sweet potatoes.  I feel really good today, I'm not really having any strange symptoms, I ate a very satisfying breakfast of meat,  veggies and eggs, made by CJ, and I'm going strong. I don't even want sugar right now.  

Last night I had a bit of a cheat night and ate Thai food. I had some hot and sour soup, which probably has a lot of sodium, but also had lots of chicken and veggies. I also had fried rice with beef, eggs and veggies. My first carbs all week. I still didn't eat sugar, and every time I've wanted sugar, I had fruit instead. The meal tasted amazing, but kinda messed with my stomach a bit. Worth it though. And when I know I'm not ALWAYS eating super bad foods, it feels okay to eat what I want some of the time. That's kind of what I'm hoping to gain from all of this.

The start of my second week!

I had carbs Saturday and Sunday night in the form of potatoes, but I don't think that set me back, I've been fine and had a delicious smoothie with only fresh fruit, it was seriously super yummy and now I'm kind of craving those more than a chocolate-y or caramel-y treat. But I'm pretty darn sure I'll never be able to kick sugar completely, and I don't want to! I just want to bring balance to my eating and not need dessert with breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Maybe a once a week treat is what I'll try. And then I'll really make that treat count! I also want to have healthy carbs in my life for energy. And occasionally bring back my old buddies, Lays potato chips. 
This is an example of a lunch time meal. Veggies fried in a little EVOO, some turkey meat and a fried egg. Sometimes I had smoothies with my meals as well, which are really starting to feel like decadent desserts to me! By the way, I'm learning about shopping for the right stuff too and where to go. I think Costco is the best for nuts, berries, eggs, bell peppers, grapes, and lunch meats. I got a load of veggies there and though we are trying to eat them all, I don't think it will happen. CJ has made me breakfast a few times and he does delicious scrambles. I've had bacon a few times too this week, so I'm not without some unhealthy stuff. But bacon is bacon and if I stop eating it, I might as well die. 

Anywho, lots of words and sorry if it was kind of boring. If you need encouragement to go sugarless, I'll help you out!! I'm hoping to make it a full second week, and maybe this Sunday, allow myself something sugary. But maybe I'll go three weeks, who knows. 

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