It's almost 2 in the a.m. and as per usuallllll, my brain isn't shutting up. So writing this blog post is my round about way of counting sheep. Besides, if I was going to count any animal, it most definitely wouldn't be sheep because they are probably the most boring animal on the planet and counting them would put anyone right to slee......oh right.
I'm going to say a couple things I am glad about. Keep in mind this is pretty much my mind word vomiting right now.
I'm glad that The Hobbit is finally out. I remember hearing urban myths that Peta Jecksin (New Zealand spelling) was making it waaaaay back in the times the Trilogy was making waves. That was like, forEVS ago. I use forevs ironically only. I was about 15. Anywho, nothing brings my family closer together than a hardy discussion of why Tolkien and all things LOTR are the greatest. I'm pretty sure the thought "what would Gandalf do" guided many of my major life decisions.
I'm glad that I and 3 other members of my family have birthdays shortly after "the holidays". You know that sort of mild depression that hits when Christmas is over and New Year's is around the corner? Well I'm pretty sure God knew I would handle this worse than the average human being and so He had me be born in January so that I could ask my mom for presents Santa didn't bring and He had my mom, dad, and older brother be born around the same month so that I could focus on other people somewhat and not be overly absorbed in my post-holidays blues.
This last one is random. But I just realized today that I am glad I spent a year working as a custodian. I am glad about it because now every time someone complains about their crappy job around me, I can be that annoying guy who is like, "you think YOUR job is crappy? I cleaned toilets for a year, talk about CRAPPY."
Uuuuummmmm, I think that concludes my session of counting sheep for the evening. Poor sheep. They are so darn boring. *yawn* Night, All!!
To help you go to sleep you can always wake me up and have me play with your hair or rub your back :)