Monday, December 3, 2012

Wisecrack #11?

I haven't blogged in a while. Tried to last week, but stupid google said I ran out of gb spaceor whatnot. So I have to figure that out. But I haven't put a wisecrack up in a while either.

Yesterday, Gabe and Sidney and I were brainstorming to try to figure out what I should call a crochet site on Etsy if I start one. I had some cutesy ideas like StitchSavvy and others, but I want to share Gabe's ideas. He followed my criteria exactly. I said that we needed to include works such as yarn, hook, knot,...

Gabe: "Son of a stitch."
Me: "hahahaha (considering if I could get away with a name like that) I don't know if I can do that!"
Gabe: "Balls. As in balls of yarn, you know."
Me:"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, DEFinitely can't use that one."

And that is all :)


  1. bahahahha! I vote for "So of a Stitch"!!!!

  2. "Son of a stitch" all the way!!!! HAHAHAHA that is freaking GENIUS!
