Sunday, August 28, 2011

No school for you!! (said in a soup nazi accent)

Tomorrow, and last Monday, and next Monday, and the Monday after that,.... whenever the rest of the world starts school, I won't. I'm done. All done. Until I go for a master's, Ph. D., possibly a teaching certificate (new idea as of this week) who knows. But for now, I'm not going back!! Sooo, the main question is, how am I going to advance myself in the knowledge of the world this year?? Any ideas, people?? Here are mine.

Read. I love to read, so this isn't much of a problem. The problem comes from not knowing what books TO read. I need to read smart-people books, not too many romances or novels, more like biographies, non-fiction, historical, those types of books.

Learn guitar. I bought one in May and it's a beauty. I've been trying to teach myself, and let me tell you, it's a whole lot easier when you have someone else telling you what to do.

Explore. I want to know more about Reno, places to eat, shop, hike, attend plays, musical performances,....

Make friends. People make me smarter. It's a fact. I learn so much from talking to others. So many times I find myself saying/thinking, "wow, I never thought of it like that!" when I talk to people.

Study the gospel. People think that I don't know a butt load of crap about the gospel, but I DO.  Okay, sorry, shameful Nacho Libre quote, love that movie. But seriously, I want to know everything I can on this subject!! I will be teaching gospel doctrine in church about once a month, so that's a good start.

Open up. Be willing to accept new concepts, ideas, ways of thinking and handling situations, and most of all, open myself to loving and being loved by others. This is a tricky one folks, as I struggle with shyness.

proof that i really did graduate.

In closing, I just want to say, good luck to everyone this school year!!! You will all do great! Make sure when you stress, you eat some ice cream, when you're sad, you watch a comedy (community or seinfeld or something) when you want to scream, you go for a run, and when you're happy, you dance like a crazy person!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm gonna blog and I'm gonna like it

So, the past little while I've been at a loss over what I should put on this thing. I did have a burst of inspiration when my baby sis turned 11, but other than that, I really haven't known what to put on here. Not like it mattered too much that I wasn't posting my every thought and action, but I have this thing where if I have something, weather it be a material possession or a bit of property in cyberspace, I have to use it. My stinking google and skype accounts are on my mind waaaaaay more than they need to be simply because I don't use them that much and it bugs me. So what is my inspiration for writing today? Absolutely nothing! Which is why I'm inspired, make sense?? Not being inspired inspires me. It's not that there isn't anything going on in my life, there are actually quite a few things that I haven't blogged about, but for some reason, those things just don't seem quite ready to be posted on this here page of mine.

I will say this though. The first book of the Hunger Games trilogy?? Freakin' amazing!! Holy cow I was so sucked in, it was difficult to get anything else done until that sucker was finished. (Like my little play on words? Sucked in, sucker? yeah.) Now I hafta get the other two books a-sap, but since my mother also read the first one, I will have to wait on her to read the other books since we can't possibly coordinate the reading time well enough for us both to be happy. Goodness life is hard. My favorite part of the book? I won't give too much detail, but the main character, Katniss?? Totally kicks Bella Swan's butt!! And that's all I'll say.

Hmm, writer's block is kicking in again. Train of thought? De-railed. Well, guess that will keep me from blabbin' too much!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This post is about my baby sister.

Just as this picture shows, she is full of life!! She can go non-stop all day playing, riding her scooter at break-neck speeds, cuddling with her bird, kicking a soccer ball,... You name it, this girl has done it.

She turns eleven tomorrow.

I remember when my mom and dad first told us kids we were going to have a baby sister. My mom told me to get the pregnancy test as proof. I ran back into her bathroom, and as I looked at the test, I screamed with excitement. I loved my brothers very much, but had always wanted a baby sister. I used to draw pictures of what she would look like, I just knew it would happen one day.

I was eleven when she was born. The most adorable little girl in every way. She smiled all the time, had hair that stuck straight up, and had the roundest little kissable cheeks ever!! She came home weighing 6 lbs 4 oz. She was teeny tiny! Her little newborn outfit was too big for her. I insisted she sleep in my room from the very first night. My mom warned me she would wake me up when she cried, but I was adamant. That first night, I didn't sleep much, not because she cried, but because I was sooo excited to have her in my room. I looked at her every few minutes to make sure she was okay. When she woke up, I took her out of her crib and held her for a while before taking her to my mom. She didn't cry. She just looked at me with her pretty eyes.

My little baby sister is going to be the same age tomorrow as I was when she was born. Time flies.

She is so sweet, blows everyone kisses out the window any time we leave the house. writes the most creative stories, and is so sensitive to how I am feeling. She always knows when something is up and tells everyone to be sensitive. Oh how I love my baby sister. Happy Birthday, Sidney! This blog post can't express half of how amazing you are.