So, the past little while I've been at a loss over what I should put on this thing. I did have a burst of inspiration when my baby sis turned 11, but other than that, I really haven't known what to put on here. Not like it mattered too much that I wasn't posting my every thought and action, but I have this thing where if I have something, weather it be a material possession or a bit of property in cyberspace, I have to use it. My stinking google and skype accounts are on my mind waaaaaay more than they need to be simply because I don't use them that much and it bugs me. So what is my inspiration for writing today? Absolutely nothing! Which is why I'm inspired, make sense?? Not being inspired inspires me. It's not that there isn't anything going on in my life, there are actually quite a few things that I haven't blogged about, but for some reason, those things just don't seem quite ready to be posted on this here page of mine.
I will say this though. The first book of the Hunger Games trilogy?? Freakin' amazing!! Holy cow I was so sucked in, it was difficult to get anything else done until that sucker was finished. (Like my little play on words? Sucked in, sucker? yeah.) Now I hafta get the other two books a-sap, but since my mother also read the first one, I will have to wait on her to read the other books since we can't possibly coordinate the reading time well enough for us both to be happy. Goodness life is hard. My favorite part of the book? I won't give too much detail, but the main character, Katniss?? Totally kicks Bella Swan's butt!! And that's all I'll say.
Hmm, writer's block is kicking in again. Train of thought? De-railed. Well, guess that will keep me from blabbin' too much!
I agree...Katniss is way cooler than Bella!!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I told you the books would be FREAKEN AWESOME! I read all three of those books in 1 week, I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to finish them! Haha, Katniss rules, and so does someone else you haven't met yet...............
ReplyDeleteYou will soon, though. And you'll love him/her!
I know Caitlin, right?? And Anastassia, I am super excited to get the next books!!