Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Camera Thief

Every once in a while my camera gets stolen  borrowed by others of this household for personal needs. Here is one of them.

TV room

also bedroom

about here was when I stopped thinking "what the?" and realized what these pictures were.

My little sister loves to build tents. Not the outdoor, bendy pole kind, but the indoor, kitchen chair and every blanket of the household kind. She would permanently live in them if my mom let her. So this is why she stole my camera. She wanted to remember the architecture of this particular tent she built. I suppose it was more durable than average, also very useful space.

So I should probably keep better track of my camera. There was another time when I let Hailey's little niece take some pictures with my camera. There were some real gems on there, some of my behind even.

I'll probably put my camera up somewhere, or will I? I think the surprise is 75% of the fun :)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha that is what my PARENTS do. lol. sophia loves to use my camera too, though, and once she even FORMATTED MY WHOLE CAMERA!!!! it was bad. lol
    It's ok, i loved to make tents when I was little, too. !!! we did it with Andre all the time. hehe
