Monday, April 23, 2012

First Baby Booties

Another first attempt, baby booties. These were super fun to make and fast! I could finish a pair in an hour or so. And look how cute and tiny!!! 


  1. You're awesome! I want to lern to make those, and that cute blanket.

  2. O.M.G. so cute! For whom? These are like PRO-made! You should sell them for like 30 bucks! Wow, I'm not even kidding, they look SO professional! Congrats.
    You are REALLY creative! You always come up with these super cool ideas, so... um... how do I break this to you? I was wondering... *blushes* This is probably rude of me to ask, but I was wondering if you could make me another beautiful anklet like the one you made me from hemp root. I don't mind what colors, or what from- yarn, string, hemp root, beads-anything! I just really want another one 'cause you're so good at it! Can you... maybe make me one?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Haha, you're so sweet :) I'd love to make you a bracelet! I've been trying all sorts of new ones too that I really really like! Maybe I'll send you a variety, your birthday is coming up :D

  3. Awwwww, that would be the best present ever! Thanks so much! :)
