Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kevin's a GIRL?!?

Hey guys! So pretty much everyone has seen the movie Up, right? If you haven't go watch it before finishing this post so I don't ruin the big surprise for you.

So there's this huge bird on that movie, a rare bread all bright and rainbow-y like in the picture below. Anywho, the little boy Russel decides to name the bird Kevin. A very bird-like name, no? So back in My SUU days (graduated May 2011, celebrating my one year mark as a graduate this weekend) I bought a little parakeet. At the time of purchase, I didn't know whether he was a boy or girl. So I decided to name him Kevin, just like the movie. Well in the movie, they hear these little baby bird cries and then Kevin cries back. They realize, "Kevin's a Girl!?" The guy at the pet shop told me I'd know if Kevin was a girl or boy in a month or so because the little band above his nose would turn blue if he was a boy and pink if he was a girl. So in a little while, the band above his nose sort of grew into a blue-ish hue and I realized he was a boy. To be honest, I almost wanted him to be a girl so I could use that line I quoted four lines up. 

Kevin from the movie

My little Kevin
 Last night, we got a little surprise. For the past two years now, little Kev has been assumed to be a boy, as such, he has been treated like a boy. Mainly that just means we refer to him as a him or he.... But I was out for the evening, sitting with Kimmy in her car talking before heading out to frisbee when I get a call from my mom. All she said when I answered was, "Kevin laid an egg."

I can't remember exactly what I said, but I do remember using the line, not even intentionally, "Kevin's a GIRL?!?

Yayyyyyy!!!! My Up dream came true!!

Here's his egg wrapped in tissue with the label Gabe put on it

And here's the egg!!
Apparently my mom and Gabe had gone into my room, and Kevin had made a huge mess with his food. So they were looking in there and suddenly Gabe says, "What's that? And they look closer and he's like, "it's an egg," and my mom says that's impossible because he's a boy, and then they look even closer and Gabe says it's definitely an egg.

So Kevin IS a girl after all!! And you can bet I'm not changing his name. And even though he is a she now, I still don't think I can refer to him as a her. It's super weird. I've had him for almost 2 years and always thought of him as a he. So "he" he will remain. But really, he's a she. Sort of like a reverse Ms. Doubtfire situation :)

Peace and Blessings!!


  1. haha HOW cute! That's too funny. haha Maybe KevEna? (accent on the capital 'e', pronounced 'eh'?) haha Will the egg hatch? I mean, you'll keep it in an incubator or something?
    HOW cute.

    1. Sadly his eggs aren't fertilized, so they won't hatch. We just have to throw them away. I don't know why, but it kinda makes me sad :/

  2. hahaaaa oh mygoodness that is hilarious!!!!!

  3. Hahaha! That is way funny. Glad you got to use the line!!
