Summer storm clouds of Nevada |
I've always thought that was kind of a funny phrase. Look for the silver lining in the clouds. It seems like it's saying clouds are dark and bad and not a whole bunch of fun. But I actually really like clouds! Probably because growing up in Nevada, clouds are a little more rare and special here than they are anywhere else. But give me a gray, cloudy day and I'll usually revel in the comfort of my warm home, or hanging out with friends in a restaurant somewhere enjoying the romance of a good storm. And clouds always make for the most beautiful sunsets.
Nevada sunset |
But what about life-clouds? How do I feel about those? Can I say that I love them as much as the clouds in the sky?
I think a lot of us have our fair share of life-clouds. Glooms and grays and even raging storms. Some of us may be Nevada dwellers, where the storms are few and far between, but when it decides to storm, it storms with a vengeance. And then some of us may be Seattle dwellers. Where it seems life is always in some form of never-ending gray and the sunny days are rare.
I've kinda had some storms in my life. No, I don't feel like my life has been super trying up to this point. But recently it's felt like all the trials and the failures and the pains have just piled up into one big storm cloud, so the sunny days haven't peaked through in a while. But can I learn to love the clouds in my life as well as the clouds in the sky? Can I actually find hope and joy and keep moving forward even when it feels like I'm constantly getting drenched in the rain? I want to share with you some lessons I've learned. Keep in mind, these lessons don't stick with me all the time. Sometimes the pain and sadness of things that have happened still overwhelm me. But I'm looking for the happiness even, or should I say especially midst the clouds. I'm trying to love the clouds.
1. Family is so important. Treat them right, because there will be times when they are the only ones still there to love and support me. Don't tarnish the relationships of the ones I love and who love me the most. It's easy to fall into the trap of treating these relationships with complacency, because they can't go anywhere, they're my relatives. But that is exactly why I shouldn't fall into the trap. Because these people were placed around me by my Heavenly Father, and He knew who I would need and who would need me. He knew the family I belonged with.
2. Give up trying to do everything alone. It won't and can't work. At times when I have absolutely no strength and it takes great effort just to get out of bed, think of who gave me this life. He will not and does not expect me to do it alone. Just as my father on earth wants to help me, my Father in heaven wants nothing more than to give me the guidance and strength I need to face the day ahead. When I do feel that I am going through a strong time in my life, use that strength to lift others. Because again, it's not me who is the strong one, that strength is a gift. So share it.
3. Have self control. Others have agency, just like I do. They will not always, and in fact even rarely sometimes make decisions based on how it affects me. All I can do is control how I react. The Savior spent his whole life in kindness, love, and service. Yet He was persecuted, despised, betrayed, and slain. Some of His final words were, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." From that ultimate example of love and forgiveness, surely I can learn to love and forgive people for petty little mistakes that are made. I make them always. The Savior never did. This is why it is required of us to forgive all men.
4. Times of trial show true friendships. John 15:13
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." When I think of this verse, I don't take it to always literally mean you know who you're true friends are if they'd be willing to die for you. I take it to mean they give of the time they have in life to uplift and encourage you. They put thought and effort into doing things for you that aren't always convenient or easy. I've found friends like this. A lot of the time I feel I don't even deserve all the love they show me. But that just makes me all the more grateful to have them.
These have been my thoughts lately. These lessons have been the silver lining in the clouds. And I love the clouds all the more for showing me these things. A couple days ago, I probably could not have said that. But today, with it's beautiful weather, with my kind, happy family, with my wonderful friends, I can say that and truly mean it.
Happy for the storm