Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's time.

I think it's time I talk about my little problem again. Not drinking, not drugs, not addiction to chocolate (we will discuss that last one later) but being gluten free.

Do you people realize it's been almost 5 YEARS since I last had an OREO??? As I am thinking about the possibility of living as many as 65 more years without enjoying these little cream-filled delights, I sometimes wonder, is it worth it? Can I really go on living like this?

Because we, meaning my mom and I, have found pretty decent replacements for almost every gluten-full food EXCEPT oreos. The gluten free oreos I tried tasted like survival food. You know, the kind that isn't meant to taste good but IS meant to still be here long after mankind is not. And do you know what brought oreos to mind? A stupid, made-for-tv movie that had at least 3 scenes where they were eating oreos. Shameless product placement. Speaking of product placement, I will share my favorite Wayne's World scene with you guys.  --->      "Little, yellow, different."

Many of you probably do not know that my 10th birthday party cake was a cookies and cream ice cream cake with little eighth notes all over it. Basically my 2 passions in life at the time. Oreos and music.

this is a picture i found called "the ultimate oreo".  i keep thinking about how there are so many
things i never got to do. this is one of those things.
Next time any of you see me and I seem a little grouchy, please excuse me. I'm probably still upset about not eating oreos.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


It's true! I AM a good driver.

Yes, I have had my little mishaps, as have WE ALL. I backed into a dumpster, I got one speeding ticket (out of 5 possible ones), and I backed into the side of my bro's car's front bumper. There is probably a better way to word that last bit.

But there is one thing that proves I am a good driver and my family knows I am.

Between everyone in our household, we own four vehicles. We have a 3 car and a separate 2 car garage, but since we own a lot of stuff, the only car that fits in the garage is my mom's. So that leaves my dad, Dwight, and myself to park in the driveway. Now, Dwight likes to park in the shade, (family inside joke reference) so he pulls up to the end of the driveway on the left. My dad, well, I don't know why he parks where he does, but he parks his truck at the front of the driveway on the left. Since my mom has to be able to back out of the garage, we leave a large space on most of the left half of the driveway. This leaves me to park on the back right corner of the driveway. That's right, on the side of Dwight's car and in front of my dad's truck. I have to maneuver around their cars almost every time I back out of the driveway.

So, moral of the story, my family obviously considers me the best driver in the household because I have the most difficult parking spot to back out of. Thank you, family, I'm flattered :)

So you don't have to try to picture my complicated route, I have included a rudimentary paint drawing. 

Peace and blessings!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy November

I got into a weird mood and decided to write a poem. I didn't try to stick with any meter, that was waaaaaaay more work than I wanted to do for a dumb, amateur poem. But here it is!!

Life is tricky, life is complicated,
It never gives us a break,
So I’m like, Hey, Life, what’s your deal?
Can’t I have a breather, for Pete’s Sake?"

And Life was like, “Savannah,
Before you start whining, listen up.
You can’t be such a wimp; there are worse problems than yours
So I’m going to do things that will help make you tough.

Your friendships will never be perfect,
Your dating life will always be a mess,
But there are lots of things you will have
That will help you pass these tests.

You’re going to have a religion,
You’re going to go to school,
You’re going to be close to your family,
Trust me, those Sommers are really cool.

You’re going to be a little shy,
And that’s okay, but you will learn to meet
The people around you, no matter how scary
Because you want to have friends to greet.

You’re probably going to make some dumb choices,
Let’s face it, it’s the way you have to grow
You have to learn the hard way
But that just helps you to know

That you can always pick yourself up again
You don’t have to stay on the ground
You can make right the wrongs
And not let ‘Mean old Life’ keep you down.”

So I was like, “Life, you’re kind of a pain.
I don’t know how to live you but I’ll always try my best,
Because deep down, I think you’re right,
There are ways I can pass these ‘tests’.”

So life and I, we sort of get along now,
Even though the relationship is somewhat hard,
Life teaches me lessons and I learn;
Each lesson leaving me a little bit scarred.

I hope you can get along with life too,
Because it really has a lot to give
Time and opportunities never seem to run out
So go out and enjoy the Life you live.

Peace and blessings!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

More flags, more fun

Sooooooooo, the Sommers' family attended a theme park the other day. ALL of the Sommers. Even Danny Sommers, the dad.

Dad Sommers doesn't care too much for crowds and the rest of us, well, we weren't too sure how we would all handle the different thrills and not-so-thrills of the park.

It was my idea to go in the first place, and since I wasn't sure if this day would be all that enjoyable for everyone, I was mustering all my faith and praying that the lines wouldn't be long, the crowd wouldn't be obnoxiously huge,... Now, maybe Heavenly Father doesn't answer those kinds of prayers, but I think He does.

Because we had a blast. The lines weren't long at all. We got to enjoy all the rides and marine mammal shows we wanted.

Our first ride was one known as The Superman. We hadn't really mentally prepped for this ride. We just kind of entered the park and that was the first ride we were able to ride on, so we hopped in line. It was super fun, I mean, fast, twisty, scary, high, scary high,... and it was little Sidney's first roller coaster ever. She sat by me and as soon as the ride was over, I looked over at her and she was white as a sheet. I was so convinced that that would be her first AND last roller coaster ride ever. But she was totally a champ and kept riding all of them after that. And as soon as we got off that ride, we discovered the slight addiction we all have to advil. As we walked away, there were many calls for it. Thankfully I had packed some. You're welcome, us.

My favorite part of this pic is Gabe snoozing in the background

This walrus was freakin' huge!! He scared the crap outta Gabe when he just loomed up out of the dark.

"Bye, Buddy, hope you find your dad"

In front of the dolphin play pen
And we discovered we love dolphins. I mean, everyone pretty much has a vague love for dolphins, whether they've seen one in person or not. Dolphins are the cool kids of the animal kingdom and everyone wants to be friends with them. But we got to watch them in a show. And they are so smart, they made me feel dumb. Just watch. So stinkin' cute.

After arriving home at 2:30 a.m. and crashing for the night, I felt like I had been hit by a train when I woke up the next day. But it was sooooo worth it. Going on all the fun rides with my family, getting totally soaked on the log ride with Gabe and Sidney, ooooo-ing and awwww-ing until our throats were dry, it was just SUCH A GREAT DAY!!.