Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy November

I got into a weird mood and decided to write a poem. I didn't try to stick with any meter, that was waaaaaaay more work than I wanted to do for a dumb, amateur poem. But here it is!!

Life is tricky, life is complicated,
It never gives us a break,
So I’m like, Hey, Life, what’s your deal?
Can’t I have a breather, for Pete’s Sake?"

And Life was like, “Savannah,
Before you start whining, listen up.
You can’t be such a wimp; there are worse problems than yours
So I’m going to do things that will help make you tough.

Your friendships will never be perfect,
Your dating life will always be a mess,
But there are lots of things you will have
That will help you pass these tests.

You’re going to have a religion,
You’re going to go to school,
You’re going to be close to your family,
Trust me, those Sommers are really cool.

You’re going to be a little shy,
And that’s okay, but you will learn to meet
The people around you, no matter how scary
Because you want to have friends to greet.

You’re probably going to make some dumb choices,
Let’s face it, it’s the way you have to grow
You have to learn the hard way
But that just helps you to know

That you can always pick yourself up again
You don’t have to stay on the ground
You can make right the wrongs
And not let ‘Mean old Life’ keep you down.”

So I was like, “Life, you’re kind of a pain.
I don’t know how to live you but I’ll always try my best,
Because deep down, I think you’re right,
There are ways I can pass these ‘tests’.”

So life and I, we sort of get along now,
Even though the relationship is somewhat hard,
Life teaches me lessons and I learn;
Each lesson leaving me a little bit scarred.

I hope you can get along with life too,
Because it really has a lot to give
Time and opportunities never seem to run out
So go out and enjoy the Life you live.

Peace and blessings!!

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