Monday, October 28, 2013

A prayer

I am grateful for this beautiful world
and the fall and the winter coming on
and Christmas time with lights and singing
and my great family and friends

I am grateful for the unexpected
things that wake me up
for the things that tell me You're there
for the animals and the cute little kids

I am thankful that I know You're there
because so many others don't know that
And I am thankful I can talk to You
and tell You about my life

I know this world is so hard for many
that many want to give up
and do things that make them lose You
Please help them find their way to You

Please bless the sad ones
bless the ones missing someone
bless those who don't know
their God is watching over them

Watch over the babies in the world
protect their innocent hearts
take care of the mommas
worrying about their babies

Help the Daddies who take care of families
help them with their jobs
let the children love their mommas and daddies
let the mommas and daddies love each other

Bless everyone to listen to music
and love the colors in the world
bless them to wipe the tears and stand up
and with gratitude help their friends stand up too

Help me help them
and listen to the whispering that tells me
someone is out there needing Your love
Help me be strong for others to lean on

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The future looks brighter

I read an article today that made me super duper happy. Real Men Like Josh Groban

I have really given sports a fighting chance. To be liked I mean. I have had sporty siblings play all sorts of games, basketball, football, baseball, soccer,... and have gone to tons of their games. I love going to their games because I like to watch my siblings play, not because I'm an avid, jersey wearing, athlete name dropping sports fan. And I wish I was at times!! Because I have the feeling sometimes that I would be so much cooler in guy's eyes if I could refer to any other athletes besides the obvious (Collin Kaepernick, Steve Young, Tom Brady, Coby Bryant, Michael Jordan, Carl Malone, Larry Byrd, What's-his-face, and that completes the list of athletes that my brain can recall!!) Pretty pathetic, right?

But I really did try. There was a span of a few weeks when I tried to follow horse racing. Maybe that doesn't count, but hey! I knew some stuff! And I have tried to want to follow football three times at least. Like I said, always love to support my family in this endeavor, I think it's great. And when I have sons that want to play, I will be there every game! But man those games are so long!! haha, that's all.

Basketball, now that's a different story. I went through a phase where I attended as many UNR basketball games as I could. And I had some friends who loaned me their season tickets on occasion and will I always be grateful for that. Basketball is the game that really can get my blood pumping and even get me to jump in the air and scream and then sit back down all embarrassed for losing my "cool."

Okay, sorry, getting to my point. I love music! But more classically-based music. And the guy that will willingly take me to see Josh Groban in concert is the man for me! And the guy who will take me to see the Phil will be my hero! And the guy that will sit through a chick flick or two without feeling like it will threaten his manhood, that's the guy that gets my vote! I will watch a loud, manly action movie with tons of explosions and lots of metal robots, will attend rock concerts, whatever, but when my guy, whoever he is, will sit through Les Mis with me without bashing on it's every song lyric, I will be one smitten Savannah!!

Let me just say that the men in my life, aka my awesome Dad, brothers Dwight and Gabe are great examples of being willing to watch chick flicks with the girls. I asked Dwight to see Austenland with me a few weeks ago and when he asked what it was, I just said, "It's a comedy." But he was a good sport, watched it, and didn't bash on it at all!! My dad will watch While You Were Sleeping with me, Mom, and Sidney and openly laugh at it! They all draw the line at Pride and Prejudice though, haha, and I don't fault them for that.

Sorry for getting a bit long-winded, but basically I loved that guy's article because it's not about feeling like your internal make-up is threatened, it's about trying new things, keeping an open mind, and even doing things because you know your sig. other will love it. That is all, this is me expressing my opinion.

Peace and blessings!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

This is soooooooooo dumb.

I've lived a full life. As in full of injuries, illness, freak klutzy accidents, extreme sunburns, dehydration, food allergiessss... so many, many enjoyable experiences.

And through it all, my dad's sage advice has always seemed to ring in my brain at the exact moment I wasn't following it.

Ex 1. Dad: "Take vitamin C every day."
         Me: "Okay, Dad," (just started doing it about a couple months ago after years of asthma flare ups, bronchitis *Ain't nobody got time fo dat!!* and picking up every flu bug and common cold thrown around in the world.

Ex 2. Dad: "Drink lots of water, especially when you're sick or else you will dehydrate"
         Me: "Okay, Dad." (Got dehydrated a couple months ago and had to go to the hospital)

Ex 3. Dad: "Wear lots of sunscreen, even when it's cloudy."
         Me: "Okay, Dad. (Can't count the number of sunburns...)

Ex 4. Dad: "Be careful where and what you eat, you never know what is in food and you're too sensitive to not be careful. (referring to celiac)
         Me: "Okay, Dad." This advice has been followed by at least four bouts of 3-4 day illnesses including vomiting, other fun stuff, and ironically, also lead to the afore mentioned dehydration.

This last example is my favorite, and will probably be the clincher as to being what it takes to finally listen to my dad BEFORE the inevitable occurs.

And it's probably my most idiotic, self-inflicted injury yet.

Dad: "Lift with your knees, not your back!!"

I can't tell you how many things I have lifted in my life where I had those words echoing off the walls of my low-functioning brain. But I did try my best to follow them, unlike some previous experiences.

Until today, and that rotten garbage truck.

Mom leaves for work, asks me to take out the garbage, pretty normal Thursday proceeding. But she mentions there are some boxes in the garage that need to go out too. NBD, I got this!!?

The garbage truck never comes at the same time every week. (I'm referring to the truck instead of the man that drives the truck because I feel less bad directing my frustration at a lifeless object) So I'm just enjoying myself in my amazing bed, because that is by far my favorite place to be in the morning, when I think I hear the scumbag truck. So I jump out of bed, run around and grab all the trash, zip out the door, run the trash can down, remember the stuff in the garage, fly through the door to that place, see the boxes run up and try to lift one purely with the strength of my back and let out a loud "OWWW!!"

My first thought was, "well that was new." As in I'd never experienced that type of pain. And of course I assume that it would immediately go away and I would be able to get that box. Round two, bend with me knees, exert a little energy trying to lift the box again, this time I believe my words were, "Owie owie owie!!"

But I used a dolly and got that piece of trash out! And it literally was a piece of trash, not the derogatory term.

But you know how there are scenes in movies or cartoons where someone freezes as they are in motion? As the day has gone on, my back has stiffened to the rigidness of an ironing board, can't sit or lie down or sneeze or breath, let alone use the bathroom. And all because I am soooo dumb! And I can't help but have a little painful laugh about it, then maybe say some swear words in my head followed by a sarcastic, "great job, Savannah."

You should all not feel bad for me because I am pretty much the definition of "my own worst enemy". I take full responsibility for most of the health problems I've had in life.

If I only listened to you, DAD!!! Bet you always wanted to hear those words ;)

So now I'm watching all electronic devices I own slowly be drained of their power because I'm too sore to get up and plug them in. Sweet.

Peace and blessings!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A place of my own

It's official, I moved out!!!! ......oooooooffff mysistersroomandintomybrothers. What?! Like you guys don't want your own rooms! And I'm only 24, okay?? Sheesh.

This has been a long time in coming guys, and it took YEARS of careful planning. It started when I was just a wee lass. I made sure I always kept my room clean so my mom would know I was responsible enough to live on my own. The process took many moons.

Then, I insisted I share a room with Baby Sister after she was born because I knew she would be messy, so I would clean up after her so my mom would know I could even handle the messes of others.

A while later I even moved out and to a different state and took pictures of my clean room and sent it to Mom so she could see the proof.

Finally, I moved back, but to my dismay, a room of my own was not to be had at the Sommers' residence. So I had to keep planning.

I tricked Little Brother into serving a full time mission. I even convinced  Parents that Big Brother would love to live somewhere else.

The last piece to the puzzle. I had to work very hard to stay not married so that I could finally enjoy the peace of a room of my own.

And now, on this very evening, I, Savannah Sommers am typing to you from MY OWN ROOM.

Okay, all joking aside, it's pretty ridiculous how excited this makes me. Plus we painted over all the boy on the walls so now it looks like a new part of the house. And slowly but surely it is getting decorated. I'm exhausted from how much work has gone into this room. But the result is going to be so worth it! Plus I'm taking pictures of the whole process, so you all will get to see the end result, are you not just so excited??

Anywho, Peace and Blesseeengs!!!