Sunday, March 20, 2011

Last Vegas Airport Run (for a while)

I know, two blog posts in two days. A little much maybe. But there are a lot of changes happening in my life at a fairly quick rate, I need to document!

For the last three years, I have been in and out of the Vegas and Reno airports more times than I can count. Okay, I could count if I wanted to, but I think it's somewhere around 6 times each year. Which is a lot of flying for someone like me, I HATE planes. Until recently, I would get stressed, sick to my stomach, and lose sleep over taking that little 1 hour plane trip to/from Reno. I say until recently because two plane trips ago, I was fortunate enough to sit by this really nice, grandpa-like man. He wasn't a creeper, I swear girls. My creeper radar wasn't in the least bit activated. This nice guy talked to me all about planes, pilots, and Southwest, which is the airline I always fly on. He told me that a pilot friend he knows always chooses to fly Southwest because those pilots take off and land more in 1 month than most other airline pilots. And I also happened upon an article online that named the top 8 airlines in the nation, and Southwest was number 2!

So this is one of the few little adventures I've had on my plane trips. Another time, I accidentally tried to check my mace. Oops. They pulled it out of my bag and I automatically started saying things like I forgot that was in there, you can keep it,... They had to take my information and put it in the computer. I took that to be my first strike. So after that I've always been extra careful in knowing exactly what is in my bags.

Mountains along I-15
Also, I had the good fortune to ride the St. George Shuttle quite a few times. A small van, usually pretty packed, and smells like b.o. occasionally. But not bad. It's only a two hour trip, and today, the driver knew more about the scenery around his route than I know about any one subject. He knew things like when Hugh Hefner would be at his Vegas club to how long it took the St. George temple to be built. Talk about wide variety.
St. George Temple, I get to see it a lot:)

So that's pretty much it. Today I finished my last trip. No more lugging around two suit cases and and backpack and purse. Hey, there are two types of people in the world, those who travel light and those who travel in style:) No more waiting in airports and no more panicking when bags don't show up (it's happened). Finally, no more saying goodbye to the fam knowing I won't see them for a minimum of two months. I'm a home body. I love my home in Sparks where my family is, and I love our little moth house here in Cedar. I know that someday when I have my own home, husband, and children, I'll love being there too. But for now, next time I go home, I won't have to say goodbye for a while:)

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