It's been a while. Believe it our not, I have had a blog post in the making for about a month now. But I hit blogger's block. Or I'm in it. Or I have it? I've never understood just how to use that phrase. Anywho, this is what I am SURE you are all DYING to say to me. And this is totally what I would say back.
You guys: "Hey, Savannah!"
Me: "Yeah?"
You guys "You haven't written anything in a while. I've been really bored and have nothing to do because of it!"
Me: "Yeah, I know. It's pretty rough I bet. I'm going to try to get something reeeaaaal nice put together to ease your boredom, okay?"
You guys: "Okay GOOD. Because my life is swiftly spiraling down into a theoretical pit of despair."
Me: "Well, we just can't have that now, can we."
You guys: "No. No we can't."
Phew, I'm glad we all got that off our chests!
Okay okay. Sorry for the intense stuck-upedness I just displayed. I know you guys would never say that. OUT LOUD, HA!!
Okay, I'm really done now.
Annnnnnd, I still have nothing interesting to post, sowwy!! But I'm sure something really dumb will come to my brain soon. Also, I noticed that I started thinking my thoughts in blog post patterns, which can't be good, can it? So maybe I just needed to cool the jets a little.
Peace and blessings! (I almost accidentally spelled "blissings" which isn't a word, but I hope you have "blissings too. You can decided for yourself how to interpret that.)
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