So there's this guy I met a while ago. He's pretty sarcastic and such. He has a spray-on tan with a v-neck tan line. He plays frisbee, but only on Mondays because apparently Wednesday frisbee isn't his thing. He can be pretty dang annoying when he is on the opposing team.
Anyway, he told me I should probably dedicate a blog post to him. So Cody, this one goes out to you.
If you were a cartoon character, I think you would probably be this guy --->
not the principle, the other guy I can almost hear you saying, "Look! It's the leaning tower of Cheese-a!" I imagine you as the laid back best friend always looking for the bright side and never worrying too much about the little things. |
If you were an LOTR character, you'd for sure be this guy --->
I definitely could see you being more smart and serious than Pippin, but still looking for a good time. |
If you were a famous chick flick character, I could see you being this guy--->
Kinda sarcastic, not exactly a push-over, but still the romantic type |
If you were an animal, I think you'd be this animal--->
Sort of high energy, very resourceful, and cute. |
So I hope this blog post doesn't offend you, Cody. I wrote it only thinking of you. An entire post on my blog, dedicated specifically to you.
P.s., just kidding about the spray-on tan part and the annoying part :)
Peace and blessings, Cody ;)
Ah you kill me! I miss that guy already. Two months and he'll be back :/