Gosh you guys. Sometimes when I really get to thinking about things, I stumble onto stuff that actually changes my thinking patterns quite a bit.
I struggle with regret. Most of the time it's over little things. I should have said this, I should have been there....but lately it's been over a lot of pretty major things. I've been worried and upset about the recent past a lot and wishing, "if only I could go back and do it differently, I would."
How unproductive! And what a waste of right now.
President Monson gave a talk. It's called Finding Joy in the Journey. You can read it here. I've read it before, but not quite with the mindset I've been in lately. There are a million great quotes in it, but one that struck me the most was this---> "Of course, there is no going back, but only forward. Rather than dwelling on the past, we should make the most of today, of the here and now, doing all we can to provide pleasant memories for the future."
Holy cow, that really hit me hard.
So much of the time I find myself wishing that something was different than it is and it takes enjoyment away from my experiences. I need to stop doing this. I am happy, don't get me wrong. But I am done trying to control my life in the way that I think it needs to be. I'm ready to accept that things that happened in the past were difficult, I made wrong choices, I had some sorrows. But Today is new. Today I can cherish the moments with my family, my siblings, my best friends. Everything will happen in time. Today is what I have to enjoy.
One of the things Pres. Monson points out is that we don't use the time we are given to show others how much we love them. I won't let that happen. I will make sure that those close to me know I love them. And I will make sure that those I am not close to know that my friendship is offered to them.
You guys, it is so important to love who and what you have. Please don't be like me and let the past tarnish the present. Have faith that Heavenly Father knows you, loves you, and has a plan for you.
A lot of things happened today that I did not expect. Both good and kinda not as good. But I also realized that I have the choice in how I react and what attitude I have.
So today was better. And tomorrow can be even better. And when something unexpected happens, it can still be better.
Peace and Blessings :)
Hey wow, I think I needed to hear this just as much as you needed to say it. :D