Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good to know

Three things I learned in the past three weeks.

The first is this. While getting ready in the bathroom the other day, my little sis asked me which towel I used when I showered. I responded it was the cream one. She replied, "Oh, cuz I use that one to wipe my mouth, just so you know." She means of course that she wiped her toothpaste/saliva/water mixture on it every morning and night. GOOD to know.

The second is this. Don't covet thy neighbor on the road. I was out driving one lovely afternoon when I pulled up at a stoplight next to this girl about my age who was driving a nice little pontiac convertible. I was looking at her, all cute with her blonde ponytail and her car's top down thinking she must really be enjoying this weather and wouldn't I love to be driving around in a convertible right now. A few lights later said neighbor on the road pulls up behind a slightly older vehicle. Let me just say, this vehicle would not ace a smog test. As the light turned green, poor little blonde ponytail was enveloped in a cloud of emissions so thick she nearly disappeared into it for at least 3 seconds. Convertibles=highly at risk for such an occurrence.  GOOD to know.

What our friend Tim looked like
The third and last lesson I learned the past three weeks is that we out in Spanish Springs get to enjoy a special treat every six months or so. The coming out of full-sized desert tarantulas. Gabe was out exploring with his buddy when he discovered a tarantula about the size of my palm, which is pretty big for a spider. It had the little fuzzy coat and everything. So of course Gabe and his buddy had to catch it and stick it in a jar and bring it inside. Don't worry guys, it didn't escape or anything. Actually, Gabe left the jar outside during church the next day so the poor guy fried to death. Did I mention we named him Tim? Poor Tim. Anyway, moral of the story, I frequently take walks around here wearing flip flops. But these little animal treasures like the black top, so it might not be too unlikely in the future to step on or near one. GOOD to know.

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