There are not many activities I can participate in the hour after I paint my nails. But typing is one of the few I can! I'm so multi-talented. Yay. So I'm blogging in honor of my nails drying. As such, this blog will be the unimportant ramblings of my brain thoughts. Also I might include some funny memes and photos that I enjoy. Just for the smell of it. They shall be randomly inserted with no method to the madness.
Exhibit A |
One day when I get married, there is something my future hubby will have to be SUUUUUUUUper patient about. Assuming he's a sports fan, because let's face it, male-non-sports-fans are rare. This being some sort of sports play-off season, I'm pretty sure it's baseball, I've only asked like 12 times.....makes me realize I have what some might consider a major flaw. I don't like to watch any sport except basketball. Before anyone gets mad at me for saying this, hold up. I do enjoy watching some sports live, especially when someone I know is playing. I attended both my brothers' football games quite faithfully as well as Sidney's soccer games and at one particular game Dwight was playing, my cousins and I got the crowd to cheer louder than they ever had. We were that awesome. This is my flaw though. And it may even be a deal breaker for some. But there have been times watching certain games on TV that I would have rather shaved my eyebrows with a cheese grater. Now, I do like olympics, they are sweet. But saying you like sports because you like the olympics is like saying you like music because of Justin Bieber. No offense, J Beebs. I was a music major. I still close my eyes and flinch if a ball comes flying in my general direction.
CHYA! I remember, I still flinch when my dad asks for
his thongs. Okay, but I flinch for a different reason now.
(and my dad didn't spank us with sandals, that was my
uncle, more as a joke than anything) |
On another note, there are some facebook stati that I never want to put up. I've compiled a list, I will share. The list is entitled.......
Slap me before
I ever post any of the following as my status on facebook. (it should probably be entitled "I have too much free time")
1. Love song Lyrics.
2. Any statement ending in FML
3. Anything political that others might want to argue with
4. A vague cry for help/comfort such as “I can’t believe this happened”
or “I wish I knew what to do”…
5. The phrase “what up,…” followed by the name of the awesome city I am
in that I want everyone to know about.
6. The words “Tee Hee”
7. A mysterious statement about a person, especially something sounding
remotely romantic, such as,... “I wish he knew how I felt...”
Disclaimer; any of the above phrases can be used in the event of a
comical or ironic opportunity presenting itself.
This one I love because it reminds me that no matter
how bad things get, they can always get funnier. |
Welp, nails are dry!!
Peace and blessings!!!
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