This week was a weird week. It had it's really good points, but it also had those know, THOSE moments. But I want this blog to always be positive. So, I will give you some wisecracks ;)
1) K, first one comes from none other than Kimmy. Now, Kimmy likes to test my friendship to her by asking if she had a certain strange quirk or physical deformity, would I still be her friend. My honest answer is usually, I would hope so, but I don't know. This weeks' test was a real winner and again, I had to tell her, I honestly don't know.
She asked, as she cupped her hands around her eyes, "If I had to wear blinders in order to pay attention to you, would you still be my friend?" I really hope I would Kimmy, I hope I'm not that judgmental, I would hope I could look beyond a drooping left eye or strange dance moves or a severe speech impediment, and see the awesome person within, but I honestly don't know, haha.
2) Second came from Dwight. This morning our family was all gathered 'round to watch conference. President Monson announced that the new age limit for boys to serve full-time LDS missions would be moved to 18, considering they have their bishops' approval. My little bro just turned 18 not that long ago, and Dwight pipes up with, "Wow, Gabe really WILL get married before me!!"
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