Whenever my mom has to leave somewhere in the morning, I'm usually asleep. (I DO NOT accomplish anything before 10. I vowed never to wake up early again after having my 6 a.m. custodian job at SUU. I did my time, people) And she likes to leave me instructions for stuff that needs doing, stuff other people need to do, and such. But here's the problem. I am laying in my bed, which is also my favorite place to be in the morning, and I'm half awake. So my brain is pretty much thinking, "Someone is talking to me, try to understand what they are saying. Who is it? Is it Mom? I think it's Mom, I think she wants me to do something. Okay, try to remember what she wants me to do. Okay, okay, now concentrate really hard and don't forget what she is saying."
I forget everything she says. I fall back to sleep for another little while, wake up, vaguely remember someone entering my room, and now I'm left to panic thinking that if I don't remember what needed doing, the house is going to burn down, someone is going to catch swine flu, kids are going to miss school, food is going to rot....
That scenario happens pretty regularly and today is just such a time. As I am typing this, I think that there is something I'm supposed to be doing other than typing this....hmmm. Guess I'll go clean something and make sure my dog is still alive. But guess what! Happy RIB COOK OFF!!!!!!
This is from last year. I've never seen Gabe this happy, which is saying something, cuz he's usually pretty dang happy.
Peace and blessings!! :)
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